
Inactive blog

 I won’t be updating this blog anymore, but I’m keeping the archive.

Organization products I love

After the things I will never use, here's now a few of my faves.

DIY Halloween costumes

Here are some easy to put together costumes for Halloween for when you don't want to spend lots of money or you you have to pull out a last minute costume.

Lesson from my parents’ move (during COVID-19)

My parents sold their house and moved for the first time in 40 years. I thought I’d give out some tips that would help them. But this move ended up being way different and nothing as we anticipated. Here’s the lesson of it.

Working from home: a year later

It’s been a hard year for everyone. I thought I would post more on this blog in 2020. This did not happen. What I planned to post was not relevant anymore or I just didn’t have the energy or creativity to create post. March 23 is the one year of working at home. But not for the same employer as last year. I didn’t plan on it, but it ended up being a good thing in the end. I’m very happy in my current job. They are very good at remote working, better than my former employer. I have some lesson from that year of working from home.

Organization products I won't use anymore

Some things works, some things don't. Here are some of the things that don't work for me and will never buy again.

Tips to survive the heat

When you have a chronic illness , heat can be your enemy. It sure is mine. I hate the heat over 22°C. Here are some tips I use during hot summer days (Canada isn't just this icy cold land...)

What I will not sell at a garage sale

I did a few garage sales in the last couple years and I learned a lot from it. Here are things I would not sell and some you should not sell at a garage sale.

Win or Fail: DIY Sharpie Coasters

I think this tutorial is at least as old as Pinterest, but does it works?

Working from home during the COVID-19 lockdown

Many of us have been asked to work at home. It might have sounded fun in the beginning, but it’s getting serious and may last for a while.