It's all about letting go

It was spring (until few days ago): aka decluttering time and garage sale time. These last years, I let go a lot. Thanks to the revelation that A Slob Comes Clean was to me.

It's tearing me apart
Now it's all about letting
All about letting go

Emma Bunton - So Long

I'm almost 33 and up until last year or so, I still had a lot of things I held on from childhood.

All my school stuff from kindergarten up to CEGEP (college). All the books, notes and stuff. I decided to keep only my planers and my pest school projects. I cut down from sevral bins to about 2.

I have an aditional 2 with art suff I did at home.  I remember as a kid my mom always wanted me to downsize my stack of drawing and painting. It was HARD!

Toys too. For a while it was "for my future children", but I was kidding myself, I would never let some kid play with my nice and pristine toys. They would damage them and it would crush me inside. Cause no one can take care of toys like I did (lesson yearned from when my mom babysat OLDER kids after school and they broke my Magna Doodle).

With me not going to have children, like ever, this is no longer an excuse. I also kept some that were not my fave because in my mind, I had to keep all of the same. Let's tlak about ponies, My Little Pony. Last year, I thought, well I'm gonna check how those are worth (the Generation 1, the ones from the 80s). It helped me get rid of those I didn't like. I had 7 of them, I only kept 2 babies and sold the rest. The baby brother ones where a hit and sold for a good price quickly. Keep in mind they looked still mint and had all their accessories. Taking care of my toys paid off , I've seen more recent one in wrost shape.

I saw also a few figues that hit or will hit ebay. I have some Smurf I have in double (do I really need 2 sleepwalking Smurf with a pompom red instead of green: no).

I have to be a little sensible. I'm taking some space in my parents' basement (I live in an appartment and I have no place for some stuff) and I know my parenrs wanna sell the house in a close future. Yikes. I could find a place for everything there... except the doll house my late grandpa built me. I want to keep that, use it to display my Spice Girls Dolls maybe someday.

I now have a motive to let go some one the "I like less" stuff : maybe be able to fit the dollhouse in my current appartment.

Because I haven't had a boyfriend since my breakup in 2008, I don't count on a boyfriend to get a house together. And I can't count on myself to even buy a condo for devral reasons.
